fbpx Logistician | msf.gr


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Field logisticians are considered usually as the backbone of the project, as they provide technical support in all activities of the field. They construct, rehabilitate and maintain mostly medical infrastructures as well as office and accommodation infrastructures. In addition, they supervise the fleet and ensure the right conditions of transportation and storekeeping of pharmaceutical materials. Also they are in charge of supervision on the correct use and maintenance of technical equipment (vehicles, PCs, Generators etc) of the project, while they train national logistics staff.

  • Technical Skills or Background in at least 3 of these sectors: Procurement. Construction/Fleet Engineering/Μηχανολογία αυτοκινήτων/Energy and Electricity/IT/Water Sanitation/Communication technology
  • Advanced English and French
  • Acceptance of living and working conditions
  • Adaptability and Teamwork
  • Flexibility and stress management
  • Specialization in one of the above mentioned sectors
  • Experience in management and supervision


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